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Холодный впуск MST Performance BW-M3401 для BMW M2 Competition / M3 / M4 S55 3.0

We have completed the development of the BMW M2 M3 M4 intake system for the S55 3.0T engine.
This intake kit includes a 3» intake pipe, an engine heat shield that helps block hot engine air, an MST high-flow air filter and is easy to install.

We also did the dyno testing, the maximum increase is about 10-13hp, the throttle response is better than the original air intake, and there are more exciting sounds.
After installation, it can be upgraded to the original power programming or Stage1-3 programming.


* Maximizes airflow to provide gains of 10-12 hp

* High-quality laser cut heat shield helps block hot engine air

* Better throttle response and more exciting sounds

* Can be upgraded to the original power programming or Stage 1-3 programming

* The engine air filter should be cleaned every 20,000 km and should be replaced at 60,000 km 


BMW S55 3.0 Engine M2 /M3 / M4

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