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Холодный впуск MST Performance BW-N2051 для BMW F10 520i / 528i 2.0L N20

The MST BMW F10 520i/528i 2.0L N20 Cold AirIntake is the perfect addition to any engine bay.

Give your vehicle added horsepower, torque, snappier throttle response, and an aggressive turbo sound. Typical peak gains from our CAI are roughly 11-12 Horsepower and Torque.


*Delivers cold air to your turbocharger

*Improved throttle response

*More aggressive and sporty induction sound

*Black powder-coated inlet pipe and heatshield

*Dyno result: Max gains +11.2hp@5380rpm, +14.9nm@5380rpm

*The engine air filter should be cleaned at about 20,000 km of usage and should be replaced at 

 about 60,000 km of usage

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