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  • +7 (921) 797-44-30
  • EMAIL:nqzva@ghavatfcrrq.eh
  • EMAIL:fnyrf@ghavatfcrrq.eh

Холодный впуск MST Performance VOL-6007 Volvo S60/V60 Polestar 2018+ 


* Increase power and torque

* Improved throttle response

* Much improved airflow volume over stock 

* Enlarged air box volume

* Enlarged alloy intake piping

* 4» Hi-flow Performance Air Filter

* Performance air filter that passed ISO 5011 tests with awesome 99% air filtration capability

* Easy to carry out installations that are almost plugged and play to the factory connections with no further modifications needed

* The ECU need not be remapped, our intake systems work beautifully even with stage 1-2tune

* The engine air filter should be cleaned every 20,000 km of usage and should be replaced at 60,000 km of usage


2018+ Volvo S60/V60 Polestar

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