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Защитная маска капота 08P35-XXX-100 для Honda Accord 2013-2017

Vinyl is much more adept at taking hits from loose rocks, pebbles and insects than paint. That is why the Honda full nose mask is a must have accessory for your Honda Accord Sedan.

  • Snugly covers the exposed front section of the vehicle to protect the finish from minor road debris.
  • Simple installation with the covered mounting hooks and no-mar fasteners.
  • Resistant to mildew and slippage thanks to the felt-lines backing for a smooth, wrinkle-free and protective fit.
  • Convenient multi-piece construction so you don’t have to remove the nose mask to open the hood.

    Works with the Honda fog lights too!

Fits: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 Accord Sedan models

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